Pretty much the second I took a left onto Montrose I smelled something burning. I looked around and couldn't see anything obvious so I kept walking hoping I would find the source. As I walked East I noticed a guy with a fairly large baby stroller walking towards me. Awe a baby, I thought to myself. It's pretty hard not to look at a baby and smile, of course, if the dude who spawned the child is a DICK, it's hard to keep that warm feeling. I am always amazed that there are people in this world who go out of their way to be jerk-wads. So I am getting ready to pass this guy, who is walking on the opposite side of the sidewalk, and what does he do with all the room he had, a split second before passing me he deliberately moves the stroller right in front of me which forced me off the sidewalk. After he passed me I stopped and turned around to the sound of a chuckle coming from this dumbass. Good thing I am a pretty mellow, and observant, guy cause the glance I got of his arm as he passed showed off a tattoo of a crown. Probably not the best idea to get in a fight with a dude who is crazy enough to use his kid as a weapon and just might be a member of the Latin Kings, so I just shook my head and kept walking. No more than 2 seconds later I found it.
Just north of Montrose on Clifton was a bunch of small smoking pits in a mulch bed. I didn't have my phone on me but I was able to find a picture online that matches what I saw. Since it was pretty windy out, and there was a ton of new mulch all over the place, I tried to put it out with my shoes. After a couple of minutes I realized I couldn't extinguish the fires without water so I went to the bank down the street and did something I am getting pretty good at lately, calling the Fire Dept. On my way back home I witnessed a fire truck at the scene and water everywhere, the smoke was out. Actually, they soaked all of the mulch around the entire building so who knows, maybe I kept someone's building from going up in flames. I need to start calling myself Fire Marshal Butternut.
It's a good thing I am observant but sometimes I'm just not that bright. Even though I now had money in the bank, it wasn't till I got home that I remembered I still don't have any food. So I grabbed my keys once again and returned to the great outdoors. Just another day in Uptown.
Hey man - I am a new visitor and I wondered what happened due to the lack of posts since 3/30.
I enjoy your blog and I believe I came here either via Uptown Update or Uptown Crime Blotter.
You've got a great writing style btw.
Thomas MacEntee
Wow someone actually reads this? lol
Thanks man! To be honest, I never really felt comfortable transferring the craziness that is my brain into a format that we humans have come to know as words. I always hated writing as I was growing up but since I now work so much with the world wide web, I figured it was time to improve my word-smithing abilities. Oh, and the fact that a lot of crazy shit happens to me on a fairly regular basis makes good blog fodder.
I think many people are "stealth readers" and you probably have a bigger audience than you realize.
I've been using StatCounter, a free program, to track my hits and where they are from.
My blog reader has an Uptown/Andersonville section and it is you, Uptown Update and Uptown Crime Blotter which has some freaky goings on some nights!
dat's a new one on me. Banger using baby stroller as proof of how tiny his penis is.
The key to cruising the internet quickly is FireFox bookmarks at the top of your page. I have a whole group of "Uptown" related links.
I click "open all", grab a beer, and come back to see what is happening in the Uptown World.
Thomas's comment on the Uptown crime blogger is spot on. That is one great site and amusing.
One night some guy called CPD to report he found a space alien burial ground at Cricket Hill. I had no idea!
Welcome back now get your ass outside. It is 70 degrees. Wait, I need to take the same advice.
I saw that fire from the wood chips burning in the Montrose Parkway at Clifton as I drove by.
Having no cell phone on me, I asked the City Transportation guys who were laying the handicapped ramp at Montrose and Clark to call it in to the Fire Department. I was wondering if they did. I guess I know now that they didn't.
Glad to see that you were the volunteer fire department for the day.
Only in Uptown would nuts think to start wood chips on fire in the parkways!!!
Have you noticed that we so-called yuppies are too cheap to carry cell phones while the guys living on the streets and in our parks always have them?
It used to bug me. Then, I finally figured out that it makes perfect sense for a homeless guy to have an unlimited monthly plan because that is his only permanent communication link other than a free postal box that a shelter, like REST, provides.
Viva la Differance!
I have a bad habit of not charging my phone then not realizing it till just before I leave the apt, so I plug it in before I go out unless I am going to drive (I have a car charger).
As for the random mulch fire, one of my clients works for the mulching industry. It is fairly common for brand new mulch beds to spontaneously catch fire due to the insane amount of heat these piles create at the core (has something to do with nitrogen and other compounds that give off heat). I have seen it many times, during my teenage years, while mulching my parents flower beds; I had never seen it this bad though. It is possible someone started the fires but due to the amount of wind we had that day and the freshness of the mulch it most likely started itself.
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